Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sydney Threet Assignment 1

Student Media Training: I used a bold font for the heading and for each day to better separate the days. I used a smaller, more casual font for the activities for the day, Bolded and underlined the individual activities, bolded the time, date and speaker and left the other details plain. I added boxes around the individual days to even further separate the days out.

Grocery List: I made the title bold and a little humorous because I love grocery shopping and I'm weird. I organized the foods by where they are in the store and by what category they fall under. I made each category red to increase separation of category and member of category. I added open square bullets so that I could check off each item as I put it in my basket.

Sideroom Cafe: I tried to make the menu as simple as possible so that it is easy to follow and read. I made the name of the restaurant big and bold, but not overpowering. I also enclosed it in a box to further separate it from the menu items. I made the categories of food bold and bigger then everything else in the category, and I made the description of what comes with each category bigger than the individual items as well. I underlined the names of individual items and italicized the descriptions of the items to separate an item from a description. I also added a picture of a cafe to fill up an awkward white space.

Business Card: I made the card using the Her Campus logo and Pink, which is the Her Campus color. I chose the font I chose because Her campus is a media site, and I thought the font looked something media-like from the 1980s. I thought it looked clean visually and still fun, which represents Her Campus because Her Campus has great articles that always have a light-hearted tone.

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