Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Business Card - I used a picture of a cupcake as the focal point of my card and the icing on the picture points to the name of my business which is done in a large colorful font then "cupcakes" is done in a smaller font to draw the eye down. The eye then goes down to the address of my business and my name. 

Menu- I did a centered menu with the name of the cafe at the top in a large colorful font to draw the eye   directly to the top of the menu with smaller font drawing the eye down. I then used a larger font for the headers of the menu then smaller colored font to show the description of the header and to use it to break up the info before the eye moves downward into the menu options. 

Moving list- I used a large colorful font centered at the top of the page as the header for my moving list. I then broke up all the info into four columns using large colored font as the headers and a different smaller font for the listing themselves. 

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