Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Resume/Bookmark - Luke Johnson

For the bookmark I found an actual art recreation of the flu virus and designed the bookmark around it. I found a very dirty looking font to use for the title and made the "FLU" portion red to be the most prominent point on the page. The remaining title is smaller font and 50% grey. I let "STOP THE FLU" stand alone, and modified it above with a smaller title "10 WAYS TO," using the other font for the body. For the body I chose to repeat a muted plum and soft forest green color for two reasons: 1- The green a purple match the flu virus in the background, and 2- The alternations will help prevent the reader from confusing one point to the next. I placed the body as if falling down inbetween the flu viruses, logically leading the reader to the logo and more information section.

For the resume, I wanted to have a rolodex kind of feel, but wasn't able to use an actual rolodex page because it is horizontally laid out. The Name and Resume titles don't stand out and are kind of an after thought to help the reader understand what the document is and who it is intended for. I separated work experience and education to the two pages to provide multiple entry points to the text and then placed Interests and Activities at the bottom of the second page, because of ample room. The page font simulates the feel of a typewriter and the address/e-mail/phone front simulates the feel of a stamp or engraving. I made the title of each heading red to guide the reader to and fro each of them easily. The location and date are bolded, while the location is greyed out. Things are organized by date, because in my mind this would be the logical choice for the most clarity.

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