Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Newest Assignment

On the Resume for proximity was how used the lines to guide the eye to each category. Alignment all of my text are aligned with each other as long as the bullet points. Repetion, I used the same fonts for all the text and with the same color of puple for the lines and title. Contrast, was with the fonts of titles being bolded along with the heading of each section with a larger font.    On my book mark the proxity, that i tried to use was with the green title to catch the eye and it basically allows your eye to read down through the page. Alignment is used with the numbers on the list all straight down the page of left align. Repetition is used with the back ground blue and also with the text. Contrast would be the title color is different from the text color to have a different feel to it rather than just one plain color to go through the  page

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I used repetition by using the horseshoe logo at the corner of all my designs.  i also used the same font as the horseshoe logo for all my fonts in my design and i incorporated the dollar sign somewhere on all my designs.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Harrison Tanner Repetition: schedule, poster, invitation

The repetition I used came in using the same font and water drop. I used the dominant line of the drop in the invitation and used the line that none of the drops passed for the poster. I tried to make it a gradient background on the poster but didn't have photoshop so I couldn't pick out the drops. I picked the font because it looked like a sad font. I used proximity by using shades of blue within the droplet for the font color.

Assignment 3- Repetition

With my three pieces I used color, font and graphic materials for repetition. With each one I used a bold line and faded background pictures. The pictures are set differently in each one but the colors and transparency are the same as is the fonts used. In each one I set the text to center alignment and also each piece has rounded corners to give them a more uniformed look!

Assignment 4

What I did for these is for the fonts I used the exact same font on each one with also the same color. I then wanted my fire balls to repeat so I used them in each one as well.

Assignment 4

With my layouts, the repition would be the fonts, font colors and outlines, the images of pacman, and also with the controller. I used the alignment different on each one: the first being a mix between left and right alighnmen, the second layout is all centered, and the last is centered with a left alignment.

Assignment 4

For this assignment I used repetition with color and font.
While each separate piece has different elements they
all have Red, Black, and White and the same font to 
pull them together. 

Zach Rose Chapter 4


  For this assignment I used an upcoming event for my work;however, the materials that we have for the event are different design and I used the repetition  in regards to the bullseye TARGET logo...that looks like a Dr. Seuss illustration.
FLYER:  I used the HORTON HEARS A WHO illustration as if the characters are looking at the event itself, and I used the bullseye logo in the upper right hand corner. I also had the words in red that mimics the color of the bullseye.

 INVITATION: I used the Dr. Seuss characters to promote the event because those are the books they are the books that are to be read that day, also I used the colors of the bullseye throughout the illustration and also again used the bullseye in the upper-right hand corner.
SCHEDULE: I USED the graphics of thing 1 and 2 that are featured on other posters used from the previous years and also Incorporated the bullseye again in the upper right hand corner

Chance McCullough's Repetition Assignments

I used the wine bottle
to add repetition with art.
As you can see it appears in every piece, pouring out the title of the gala. I used the same fonts throughout all pieces, organizing them by purpose. Times, dates and addresses are all the green and Monotype Corsiva, while the title of the company is black and Bodoni NT Black. The Title of the Gala is Papyrus and red.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Third assignment, Gehrs, Siobhan

This is my flier. I chose to use the peppermints in the background, faded and I made the name, date and address the same color red. The majority of the text is right aligned expect the disclaimer is left aligned so it stands alone. 
I chose the same picture to fade to break the disclaimer, address and date from the main text. The colors and fonts are the same as before.

The schedule uses a large display of the picture. The body text is all left aligned, mirroring the flier. The disclaimer is right aligned. The fonts and colors are the same throughout the project.

Sydney Threet. Winning.

On all of these, I used the same fonts. I also used the same picture of King Curtis, and I used the same color green. I though the green looked cleaner than red, and a lot of other chicken restaurants use red, so I went with something different.