Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Assignment 5

I wanted to do something that stands out for the bookmark and I wanted to use the same colors as the "Fight the Flu" banner. I wanted to keep my resume simple with colors and design, my favorite color is blue and I thought the red would go well with my name. I really liked the font and thought it would stand out.

Arsenial Resume

i used a center ALIGNMENT throughout the resume i used bullets for PROXIMITY i underlined each heading for the REPITITON my name is the biggest and boldest for the CONTRAST

Resume/Bookmark Harrison Tanner

For my resume, I wanted it to have a formal look but I preferred the more informal font. I would be willing to change it for different jobs. I also wanted to have a different type of bullet for an eye catcher.
For the bookmark, I wanted to have the slime to resemble sickness. I used the large drip to align everything to the left.

Resume/Bookmark - Luke Johnson

For the bookmark I found an actual art recreation of the flu virus and designed the bookmark around it. I found a very dirty looking font to use for the title and made the "FLU" portion red to be the most prominent point on the page. The remaining title is smaller font and 50% grey. I let "STOP THE FLU" stand alone, and modified it above with a smaller title "10 WAYS TO," using the other font for the body. For the body I chose to repeat a muted plum and soft forest green color for two reasons: 1- The green a purple match the flu virus in the background, and 2- The alternations will help prevent the reader from confusing one point to the next. I placed the body as if falling down inbetween the flu viruses, logically leading the reader to the logo and more information section.

For the resume, I wanted to have a rolodex kind of feel, but wasn't able to use an actual rolodex page because it is horizontally laid out. The Name and Resume titles don't stand out and are kind of an after thought to help the reader understand what the document is and who it is intended for. I separated work experience and education to the two pages to provide multiple entry points to the text and then placed Interests and Activities at the bottom of the second page, because of ample room. The page font simulates the feel of a typewriter and the address/e-mail/phone front simulates the feel of a stamp or engraving. I made the title of each heading red to guide the reader to and fro each of them easily. The location and date are bolded, while the location is greyed out. Things are organized by date, because in my mind this would be the logical choice for the most clarity.

Sydney Threet

On the bookmark, I used the same colors that were used in the picture of the close-up disease. I used a font for the title that would grab attention and also flow well with the ADPH logo. I chose a sans serif font for the text on the bookmark because it looked cleaner and easier to read than a serif font.I made the number a bigger font than the text to make it easier to distinguish between different points, and I made the title a bigger font than the text so it would be easy to distinguish between the title and the list. I center aligned the main text, but I right aligned the title. I tried swapping the position of the title and the picture, but I thought the picture grabbed the attention of the reader and then the picture flowed into the title, which would make the reader keep reading after the picture. I used two different shades of blue for the background and words, and though it may be difficult to read from far away, it is a bookmark, so it will be read close up anyway, but it made the text pop against the contrasting background and against the bright green background of the whole page.

I chose to use a basic format for my resume because I thought it looked the most professional, but I chose a super light pink background to add a slight pop of color but still remain professional.I used the same basic sans serif font throughout, but I distinguished headings, subheads and other text with underlining, bolding and bullets. I left aligned everything except my name and contact information at the top so that everything would flow together, but the contact information would be able to be found easily from any point on the page.

Ashlyn Pounders Contrast-Bookmark

I used the dark blue writing to contrast with the light blue background. The dark blue is also seen in the ADPH logo. I tried to find a font that resembled both for repetition. It is center aligned so it is easy to read.

Ashlyn Pounders Contrast-Resume

I used proximity by putting all of the things in the same category together and i right aligned my information and left all of the other categories. I used repetition by using the same font throughout the entire thing. The dark pink contrasts with the light pink background.

Rachel Witt

I used proximity by filling all the spaces with color to capture attention.  I made sure the boxes aligned and the font matched up. Repetition was used in the style of font and the colors repeated, along with the ADPH logo. Lastly, Contrast- I used this by contrasting colors, I used three that would stand out against one another, I also used different size fonts.

For my resume I used Proximity by spacing everything out, and not leaving any empty spaces.  Each heading aligns, and the spacing.  Repetition was used by continuously using the blue for my headings and the logo, as well with the font style.  The contrasting points were the fact that I used a different color font for my name and heading to make them stand and made the font for my name a lot bigger than anything else.  

BookMark and Resume'

  In my resume'  I used two different colors of purple, the headings are vertical along with different text throughout the document, that I think compliment each other well. I used American typewriter and Monaco  the headings are in 30-36 fonts  ( alternating) and the bulleted items are in 14 fonts.
I had center aligned my name, right aligned my e-mail and left aligned my phone number.
The bookmark, I used the Colors that are Incorporated with the ADPH logo, I decided to use this logo because I thought it was different and cool. The fonts used are Chalkboard & Blackoak Std. I just kept the design simple and and I center-aligned the 10 steps to fight the flu.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Resume and Bookmark Design

For my resume I chose to use a black decorative background and then contrast that with a light blue font and smaller white fonts for the body. I also contrasted the resume by enlarging my name at the top and setting it apart using a dotted line across underneath. I also chose to center align everything to give it a more streamline look. 

For my bookmark I chose to use a light background image with a contrasting color border around the outside. I then used the logo at the bottom in the same color used throughout the bookmark. I enlarged the heading and used a aqua font outlined in black to make it pop. I then center aligned all the information down the bookmark in a smaller black font. 

Resume & Bookmark Paragraph

In my bookmark i used proximity by making sure everything was close and grouped together to reveal a connection.  I used a left alignment for the list because it looked better than a center alignment and because we read left to right and i wanted single lines to make it look short.  i center aligned the ADPH logo and phrase so it could stand out out.  i used repetition through my colors using blue and white in different areas.  i used contrast in using red on my catch phrase and making the doctor picture on half the bookmark.

In my Resume i used proximity by making sure i spaced everything appropriately considering i did not have much information. i used left alignments on my section titles and made sure the information was aligned appropriately in each section.  i used repetition through bolding titles and using a basic color black through out and through different font size. i added contrast by using a picture on the page and centering my name and email.  

Resume and Bookmark


Thursday, March 1, 2012


I chose to fade the logo in the back but I used the colors from it to keep it consistent. I tilted some of the numbers to match part of the title. I outlined the numbers and font in white so that it stands out from the background better.

For my resume I just kept it simple because if I was to submit this for an award, position or a job I would want it to be easy to read and not too distracting. I did add a dotted to break off my contact information from the actual resume. My name is also super gigantic so it stands out a bit. My different categories are in a sans serif while the details are serif font.

Contrast assignment

For the bookmark, I tried to use contrast in the title text by using the engraved format and in using a script in the body. For the resume, I used the thick lines to set off the headings and body of the resume. I also wanted to be bold and awesome with my name.

Contrast Assignment

For the bookmark, I tried to use contrast in the title text by using the engraved format and in using a script in the body. For the resume, I used the thick lines to set off the headings and body of the resume. I also wanted to be bold and awesome with my name.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Newest Assignment

On the Resume for proximity was how used the lines to guide the eye to each category. Alignment all of my text are aligned with each other as long as the bullet points. Repetion, I used the same fonts for all the text and with the same color of puple for the lines and title. Contrast, was with the fonts of titles being bolded along with the heading of each section with a larger font.    On my book mark the proxity, that i tried to use was with the green title to catch the eye and it basically allows your eye to read down through the page. Alignment is used with the numbers on the list all straight down the page of left align. Repetition is used with the back ground blue and also with the text. Contrast would be the title color is different from the text color to have a different feel to it rather than just one plain color to go through the  page

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I used repetition by using the horseshoe logo at the corner of all my designs.  i also used the same font as the horseshoe logo for all my fonts in my design and i incorporated the dollar sign somewhere on all my designs.

Thursday, February 16, 2012